two adventure weekends in a row?! this is too much.
First, a wild ride around Oxford, starting with Shauna-passing through old timey country music- stopping by the bagel shop to shotgun some beers-then onward to a party with many hash browns and steel band kids (stopping by Kimi's to walk Lucy the three legged wonder dog), returning to the party and being invited into a boys bed, who was actually inviting himself into our beds as well. and then onward to college suites for some hot tubbing where we found a bunch of boys and proceeded to spin some tall tales of the good old days when the five of us lived together. after drinking their beer we returned to the apartment to sleep. some of us more than others-- after about 3 hours of sleep i got up to represent miami as a board member of OCPJ (if they knew I was hung over the dears didn't say a thing)
BUT THEN Chicago struck again, well really, North Judson Indiana struck again. After picking up the esteemed Alex Hoxie we left the city to arrive at a much smaller city. Here we drove around scouting movie locations with a few of the locals including the city organizer who wore her good overalls to help. We at our lunch at Kellers diner where the sandwiches we got were buried in a mountain of waffle fries that we sifted through while taking in the unusually aesthetically interesting diner-- including the spray painted disney character ceiling tiles. Then Alex and I spent the day shoveling (literally-- with a push broom and shovel) all of the posesions left in this abandoned house the boys need for a movie. Many treasures were found including; a typewriter, old pictures, a camera, and a sexy lady ashtray. The outside of the house was in worse condition mainly due to the assortment of assaulting smells lurking in everything. The locals drove by clapping because finally someone was cleaning up the house which was abandoned only this fall but appeared to have been empty and maybe used as a dumb since the early 90's.
On our way out of North Judson we decide to stop by the local gypsy graveyard that our friend Dave had been too-- he said it was pretty freaky, so we were down. After getting lost several times on dead ending country roads and scaring ourselves in the car, we parked and approached the grave yard, each with a blade drawn, mace, a camera + maglight and of course, ghost tape. After lurking through the headstones and creeping out the back fence and down a trail like Dave had said we should, we were throughly disappointed to find that it just dead ended, rather than emptying us out to gypsy mounds and ghosts. We retreated to the car and made the best decision of the night: let's go back to Hebron and ask the locals.
We roll up to the only bar in town, which has one car in front of it and just like in the movies, conversation died and everyone stared when we walked in. Very quickly a friendly woman named Andy asks us what we're doing in Hebron Indiana-- we looked at each other for a moment, contemplating the best strategy and I finally just blurted-- gypsy graveyard. Immediately the entire bar united to help us find the gypsy grave yard, they were making calls, texting people, we almost all went to the graveyard and had an easter egg hunt. After chatting with a nice guy named Scott I find out that we did go to the gypsy graveyard-- it just wasn't the right one, apparently northern indiana is a super highway of paranormal activity, they all shared the local ghost stories and strange happenings that go on in their area. Well by now we're a few beers in, I keep getting the guys to buy me drinks (they called me the ghost hunting princess) and after two trainwrecks and some beers we just kept loading up the jukebox and dancing with them. It was Sues birthday so we had a great time. Turns out our new friend Andy was really proud of the boob job she got about a year ago and after she had a little more to drink, she proceeded to show them at random, I squeezed them once (they were perfect) and the old guys at the bar just kept shouting "booty booty". after closing with She's a Rainbow we made our exit and returned to the city.
I love adventures.
learning is neat, but this is the shit
oh and PS
last month the replaced our water heater that may or may not have been from 1994 that was heating the water to 140 degrees.
last month electric was $225.
this month it was $95.
i hate you water heater.
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